Include at least three
ordinal scales on a follow-up guide except
in dire straits, and even then have at least two scales.
Have at least three levels filled-in for each scale. One filled-in level
should be the expected level, and there should be at least one filled-in
level on each side and the expected level.
Include only one problem or variable on each scale.
If any of the scales on a follow-up guide are weighted, all scales should
be weighted.
The client's behavior at intake may be equivalent to any of the five levels.
Avoid terms like "better than when treatment began."
Avoid variables which are too general or vague to be accurately scored
at a follow-up interview.
The levels on a scale should not overlap each other.
If the information needed for a scale's follow-up scoring is to be obtained
from a source other than the client, the special source of information
should be listed.
There should be no "expected" levels which are so high that there is no
possible "better than expected" level. There should be no "expected" goals
which are so low that there is no possible "less than expected" levels.
There should usually be a possible outcome for all levels of the scale
even if some are left blank.
Avoid having two blank levels adjacent to each other on a scale.